Investment Strategies

Investment Strategies

The 1031 Exchange, also known as the like-kind exchange, is a powerful tool in the arsenal of savvy real estate investors.

Posted June 29, 2023
Investment Strategies

In today's world, you need to work smarter, not necessarily harder. To accomplish this, you should take a closer look at generating passive income. Rather than always struggling to earn a few dollars here and there, it pays to find ways that will have your money working for you, rather than the other way around.

Posted October 4, 2022
Investment Strategies

One of the major complications facing aging individuals is the passing down of wealth to the next generation without creating large tax implications.  The dynasty trust is a straightforward estate planning technique that can substantially reduce taxes.

Posted August 21, 2018
Investment Strategies

There is plenty of misunderstanding about the definition of cryptocurrency. Wikipedia’s well-researched entry on the topic defines “cryptocurrency” as follows (with their links included):

Posted March 27, 2018